The Board normally meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm at the Pearl Buck Center (3690 W 1st Ave).

Monday, May 12, 2008

Board Minutes - 3/11/08

Royal Creek Home Owner’s Association Board Meeting for March 11, 2008.

Meeting called to order at 7:33 p.m.

Members present:

1. Steve McIntire
2. Jim Jenkins
3. Joel Kirkpatrick

Owners present:

1. Crystal Buel-McIntire

1. Approval of minutes:
a. January 12, 2008 minutes. Joel moved to approve and Gloria seconded approval of the minutes. The motion passed unanimously.

2. Hearings:
a. Alvis – 989Throne. Car in disrepair. Homeowner failed to appear. Board found the car was in disrepair and subsequent violations will result in fines.
b. Alvarado – 4965 Stagecoach. Improper parking of trailer. Board found homeowner to be in violation and subsequent violations not in compliance with parking resolutions and CC&Rs will result in fines.

3. Northwest Community Board Report. Joel moved and Gloria seconded that we accept NWCM’s report. The motion passed unanimously. One homeowner that has received multiple notices re trash can violation will be sent a hearing notice.

4. Financial Report: Joel shared the association was positive for February. We have over $34,000 and one homeowner paid $285 fine for a landscape violation. We are about $10,800 short in assessments, 55 homes. These homes are 30 to 59 days past due. Two accounts are in delinquent status with liens. One account that was in delinquent status with a fine has paid in full. There is a $21.00 bill due Fotheringham law firm. Jim pointed out trustlink accounting issue that is $110 and he will address this issue with NWCM. The board will revisit establishing a web site for the Association during next budget cycle. Gloria moved to approve and Steve seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

5. ARC Report: Steve reported one ARC this month (Foreman).

6. Safety Committee Report: Gloria reported a combining of the Safety Committee and the Neighborhood Watch Committee and share results from a joint neighborhood watch meeting. There were four associations in attendance. The meeting was held on March 3, 2008.

a. Joel moved to accept and Steve seconded the motion to accept all three committee reports. The motion passed unanimously.

7. Old Business:

a. Management Agreement.
i. NWCM signed the confidentiality agreement. The Board agreed to accept NWCM’s agreement. Gloria moved to accept and Joel seconded the motion. The Motion passed unanimously.

b. It is expected there will be a quorum for the Annual meeting. We need about 40 people to show. Jim spoke about the order of business. Steve shared he has a business meeting that make take him past 6:00 p.m. Gloria and Joel will share Secretarial duties in the event Steve is not present. We will discuss the financials and the rental issues. When the meeting is adjourned, there will be training for the new board member.

c. Commercial Vehicles. CC&Rs indicate there is no parking of commercial vehicles. Joel shared a proposed definition for commercial vehicles. Steve suggested we add the ability to park behind a fence. The board agreed to table the matter until next month so they could compare the model language to the CC&Rs. Steve suggested having separate resolutions addressing parking of vehicles/Rvs, etc. as well as a resolution addressing the parking of commercial vehicles.

d. Landscaping around the monument. Gloria called Rexius re options for the monument. Rexius recommended seasonal color two times per year at $600 per year. Gloria asked for longer term solutions at a lower cost.

8. New Business:

a. Empty Director’s position. Steve moved to accept Eric’s resignation. Joel seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

b. Joel moved and Steve seconded the motion to appoint a director to fill Eric’s unexpired term. The motion passed unanimously.

c. Joel moved to appoint Gloria and Steve seconded the motion to appoint Gloria to the remainder of Eric’s term. The motion passed unanimously.

d. Gloria resigned her remaining one year term. Joel moved to accept Gloria’s resignation and Steve seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

e. Committee Structures. Jim proposed establishing a rental committee. Jim suggested we need to continue with the ARC, Neighborhood Watch and Safety Committees. Jim also suggested a News Letter Committee too. Joel discussed establishing a CC&R committee to ensure compliance. Jim will have sign up sheets available at the annual meeting. Gloria moved to approve the additional committees and Joel seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

f. Rentals. The board discussed developing a landlord application for rentals as a way to track what equates a rental. In addition, the rental pool committee will follow up with all homeowners declaring rentals to encourage and ensure, to the extent possible, homeowners renting homes will complete the landlord rental application. The board anticipates a resolution requiring the execution of the landlord rental application or facing fines if not within the rental pool.

9. The next Board Meeting will be April 8, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. at Jim’s home.

10. Public Comments:

a. Gloria raised issue re container and wondering to whom it belongs.
b. No other comments.

11. Adjournment: Joel moved to accept and Steve seconded the motion. The motion passed. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting Adjourned at 9:13 p.m.

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