The Board normally meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm at the Pearl Buck Center (3690 W 1st Ave).

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Minutes for the May 13, 2008 Meeting

Royal Creek Home Owner’s Association Board Meeting for May 13, 2008.

Meeting called to order at 7:33 p.m.

Members present:

1. Steve McIntire
2. Jim Jenkins
3. James Manning
4. Gloria Foreman

Owners present:

1. Lawanda Manning
2. Roger Foreman
3. Gerald Glasso
4. Ron Frerichs
5. Ed Capelle
6. Crystal McIntire

1. Approval of minutes:
a. April 8, 2008 minutes. Gloria moved to approve and James seconded approval of the minutes. The motion passed unanimously.

2. Hearings:
a. None.

3. Northwest Community site report. Steve moved and Gloria seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

4. Financial Report: Joel was not available for this meeting. Jim reported we may have to make some adjustments to the budget. The budget will be short by about $2,000 (12 lots) because of non-payments by homeowners. The assessments are in lien status and will head to collections soon. Jim reported that we need to transfer some of the reserve funds to an interest bearing account. Gloria moved and James seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

5. ARC Report: Steve reported three ARCs this month.

6. Safety & Neighborhood watch Committee Report: Gloria reported three high speed chases through our neighborhood in the past two months. Gloria was threatened to be shot by a dog owner. We’ve had some vandalizing in the neighborhood. Kids throwing rocks at fences. Peter Pyott suffered stolen shrubs, trees and a statue. Gloria reported there seems to be an increase in these kinds of acts. Gloria reported there may be a meeting May 22, 2008 with the police department re options.

7. Investment Property Committee Report: James reported we changed the name and shared plans for recruiting owners for committees and process for rental properties.

8. CC&R Committee Report: Steve handed out a document expressing the intent of the committee and a recommendation re Committee resolution.

9. Communications Committee Report: Jim reported the news letter will include two resolutions and a piece re the vandalism and the next meet with the Eugene Police Department before it is delivered to the owners. Gloria added she wanted to organize some event where the owners meet and greet to be announced in the news letter. James shared perhaps EPD can come to the park and engrave bicycles with identification information.

a. James moved to accept and Gloria seconded the motion to accept all six committee reports. The motion passed unanimously.

10. Old Business:

a. Parking Resolution: Gloria moved to pass and James seconded the recreational vehicle motion. The motion passed unanimously.
b. Landscaping & Monument: Gloria reported Rexius has not been very responsive to her phone calls. Rexius is supposed to be on site tomorrow. We should see work complete by Friday.
c. Committee Resolution: Jim reported on committee resolutions. Steve requested one change and the board agreed. James moved to approve the resolution with the change and Gloria seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
d. Athletic/Recreational Equipment Resolution: James and Gloria shared the following thoughts:
i. James is really concerned about the safety of children and shared his experience when children were in the street playing and would not move.
ii. An ARC is required for existing and future such items, e.g. basketball hoops;
iii. The owner is responsible for daily maintenance and upkeep;
iv. No basketball hoops are permitted at the curb (child safety);
v. No basketball hoops are permitted on the sidewalks (child safety);
vi. No basketball hoops are permitted in the street or roadways (child safety);
vii. Wording that to reflect that basketball hoops should not be placed in a location that would require children to play in the street or roadways.
viii. Gloria also reported there has been three hi-speed chases in the last two months. There is a real risk to the children. She has also heard from other homeowners about having to look at unsightly.
ix. Steve reported the recreational resolution was passed to avoid owners from submitting ARCs and there is a real liability issue for the HOA should some kid be injured now the board is on notice of kids playing in the street and hi-speed chases.
x. Mr. Hammell delivered an email to the Board where in he proposes to exempt semi-permanent basketball hoops from the resolution.
xi. Mr. Foreman reported his concern about homeowners being sued for a child being injured. Mr. Foreman also reported the aesthetics of hoops in disrepair. He went around the immediate area and took a number of different pictures of hoops on older neighborhoods in disrepair. He is concerned about the unsightliness of the hoops.
xii. Ron Frerichs shared he has a hoop in his front yard. Ron shared he has concerns about children being taken out to the street. Ron thinks people should submit CC&Rs and be required to maintain the hoops. He also does not think it is a board issue re safety unless the children are brought out to the street. Ron does not think they should be kept in the street or on the parkway strip. They should be up by the home.
xiii. Ed Capelle shared any language should be specific re maintenance and kept out of the street and parkway strip. He would like to find a safety and aesthetics balance. Jim will send a letter to our city counsel member to look into the homeless camp.

James moved to have the CC&R committee review the comments and take a run at revising the recreational resolution to strike competing balances. The CC&R Committee will present a draft resolution at the next meeting.

e. Cedar Trees in Tract A: Jim shared the homeowners in Tract A do have property that extends in to the monument area and the HOA has a landscape easement. The homeowners have privacy concerns. Jim recommends the homeowners submit a joint ARC. He also thinks they should finish the landscaping, e.g., the bark. The ARC must agree to responsible for removal if local or state authority requires them to remove same. They need to acknowledge there is a utility easement and they may lose the trees with no remuneration. Steve suggested the homeowners be responsible to maintenance of the trees. James shared the homeowners be responsible for any damage the trees may cause to the fence or whatever. Jim will contact the homeowners to accomplish our discussions.

11. New Business:

a. Jim reported there was a request to reverse a late fee for a lot owner that paid the assessment late. The owner didn’t explain why he wanted the reversal. James recommended we not reverse the fee as it is unfair to other owners. James moved and Gloria seconded we not reverse the late fee for Account 279607. The motion passed unanimously.
b. Jim reported the sandwich board quotes are too expensive and he is still looking. Gloria suggests a note in the newsletter.
c. Jim reported Joel may need to resign because of work issues. Jim will speak to Joel and report back to the board.

12. Public Comments:

a. Crystal suggested we recruit block captains when we are out seeking rental information. Also, need to seek email addresses and owner addresses for landlords.
b. Ed Capelle shared we should also seek the homeowners’ addresses. Ed also suggested we post a notice on the vehicle or trailer before formal notices.
c. Roger shared there is a parking ordinance that prohibits parking commercial vehicles in a residential neighborhood.
d. Roger also shared there is a transient community developing towards Green Hill road. We are starting to have issues and he is concerned about what this camp may contribute in regards to the issues.
e. Crystal will look into the costs of a web site.
f. Gerald Glasso volunteered to be on the CC&R Committee.
g. Ron raised issue re speeding in the community. Steve suggested we get a radar board. Gloria will check into it.
h. Ed Capelle volunteered to be on the CC&R Committee.
i. No other comments.

13. The next Board Meeting will be June 10, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. at Jim’s home.

14. Adjournment: Gloria moved to accept and James seconded the motion. The motion passed. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting Adjourned at 9:03 p.m.

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