The Board normally meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm at the Pearl Buck Center (3690 W 1st Ave).

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Minutes of the June 18, 2000 Board Meeting

Royal Creek Home Owner’s Association Board Meeting for June 18, 2008. (Approved July 8, 2008)

Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m.

Members present:

1. Steve McIntire
2. Jim Jenkins
3. James Manning
4. Gloria Foreman

Owners present:

1. Crystal Buel-McIntire
2. Richard & April Eberle
3. Contreras Family

1. Approval of minutes:
a. May 13, 2008 minutes. Gloria moved to approve and James seconded approval of the minutes. The motion passed unanimously.

2. Joel’s Resignation:
a. Joel submitted resignation:
i. Gloria moved and James seconded the motion to accept Joel’s resignation and thank him for his work. The motion passed unanimously;
ii. James Nominated Crystal Buel-McIntire accepted the nomination. The board voted in favor of Crystal with Steve abstaining.
iii. Crystal volunteered to be treasurer. The board voted in favor of Crystal as Treasurer. The motion passed unanimously
3. Hearings update:
a. Mestrich – Throne. Mestrichs’ failed to complete side and back yard by June 15, 2008 as agreed. Jim will ask NW Community to send fining letter beginning June 16, 2008.

4. Northwest Community site report. We had some issues re Crain Flies. The reports notes many trash can violations and basketball hoops. James moved to accept the site review and Gloria seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

5. Financial Report: Jim reported that Royal Creek is in decent financial position. However, we are facing a $2,500 short fall as 12 families have failed to pay the assessments. One lot is in pre-lien status. Some have gone to the attorney’s office and other are moving forward as necessary. James moved and Gloria seconded to accept the report. The motion passed unanimously.

6. ARC Report: Steve reported four ARCs this month. Two were approved without conditions and one was approved with conditions, e.g.., observe 5’ set back and one was approve din part and disapproved in part, Hammel. The patio pavers were approved and the basketball hoop was not approved but subject to revision of the recreational equipment resolution.

7. Safety Committee Report: Gloria reported multiple police officers appeared for a safety committee. The meeting went well. Gloria recruited three new block captains.

8. Investment Property Report: James reported that we do not yet have an understanding of the rental within the neighborhood. Jim shared the form the board prepared describes requirements of renting a unit. James will contact the rental agency and inform them

9. CC&R Committee: Steve reported on the revised basketball hoop resolution. Also, Steve and James moved to have the board appoint Gerald and Rick to the CC&R Committee.

10. Newsletter Committee: Jim reported the newsletters were delivered to the homeowners and that the proper notice was provided to the homeowners re the two resolutions. Jim requested reimbursement of $338.98 for the printing and mailing. Steve moved and James seconded the motion to reimburse Jim. The motion passed unanimously.

11. Landscaping Committee: Jim reported are the new owners of boulders for the monument. Jim requested the board approve the costs associated with the improvements. James moved and Gloria seconded the motion to pay the bill. The motion passed unanimously.

12. Basketball Resolution: Steve and James reported on the draft resolution that specifically addresses basketball hoops. The goal was to strike a balance between homeowners’ desires and safety issues based on comments at last board meeting. James moved to approve the resolution and Crystal seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The resolution is not valid until delivered. Steve proposed that Jim prepare a news letter and James and Steve will organize people to deliver the news letters and recruit for committees as well as identify rentals.

13. Gloria moved to accept and Crystal seconded the motion to accept all three committee reports. The motion passed unanimously.

14. Old Business:

a. Cedar Trees in Tract A. Jim reports there is no update to report. Jim will contact the homeowners and advise them to submit and ARC and get them approved.

15. New Business:

a. Reserve study. Jim reported the two options are to pay for a reserve study or do it ourselves. The board agreed to do the reserve study ourselves. Jim will prepare calculations and submit it to the board next month.
b. Pizza in the park. Gloria reported there has not been much response for Pizza in the park. The idea is to involve the entire Royal Creek neighborhood.
c. Crystal volunteered to support Gloria for neighborhood watch.

16. Public Comments:

a. Richard Eberle inquired about an ARC. He will submit an ARC for his fence.
b. No other comments.

17. The next Board Meeting will be July 8, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. at Jim’s home.

18. Adjournment: Gloria moved to accept and Crystal seconded the motion. The motion passed. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting Adjourned at 8:37 p.m.

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