The Board normally meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm at the Pearl Buck Center (3690 W 1st Ave).

Monday, August 18, 2008

Board Meeting Minutes - July 8, 2008

Royal Creek Home Owner’s Association Board Meeting for July 18, 2008.

Meeting called to order at 7:31 p.m.

Members present:

Steve McIntire
Jim Jenkins
James Manning
Gloria Foreman
Crystal Buel-McIntire

Owners present: Ed Capelle

1. Approval of minutes:
a. June 18, 2008 minutes. James moved to approve and Crystal seconded approval of the minutes. The motion passed unanimously.

2. Hearings:
a. 4867 Stagecoach (Howpun) – Lawn. This is a rental property. The lawn has been mowed. The lawn is not in good shape. She has had hearings in the past. James moved to notify homeowner she was found in violation and subsequent violations will result in fines.

b. 1252 Throne (DeGuzman) – Lawn. Family moved. Weeds are very tall. Suspect realtor and/or homeowner has walked away. Jim believes there is no equity in the home and that we can fine, but we will not recover our money. Jim spoke with Wes Finchum from NW and Wes does not think our insurance will cover owners from accessing the property if they were hurt. Jim proposes we begin assessing fees of $15 per day giving them a drop dead date to resolve the issue or we will enter to maintain as allowed by section 4.22. The letter will provide the 48 hour notice and we will provide the notice in advance of each time we access the property. Crystal raised the issue of having some other homeowner mow the lawn. The board would like to outsource the mowing; however, we do not expect to receive payment from the homeowner. James moved and Crystal seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

c. 4891 Stagecoach (Reed) – Basketball Hoop. Reed moved the Basketball hoop. Issue has been resolved. Thanks for the cooperation.

d. Also fine notice for 1078 Throne (Mestrich). The homeowners spread dirt. The yard has not been rolled or seeded. The homeowners were not present and the fines will continue. Crystal mentioned revisiting the amount of fines once the yard is complete and if it is being maintained.

e. Notice Letters

i. 1122 Peascod (Hernandez) – Trailer
ii. 1142 Peascod (Heine) – Trash can
iii. 1228 Throne (Hammel) – Basketball Hoop

3. Northwest Community site report. The monument and common area is looking good. James moved to accept the site review and Crystal seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

4. Financial Report: Financials were not received for June.

5. Committee Reports:

a. ARC Report: Steve reported four ARCs this month. One was approved without conditions.

b. Safety Committee Report: Gloria reported Gerry Glasso, Lawanda Manning & Sally Duffy are new block captains. Gloria indicated someone stole a car from a garage on Holloway. The perpetrator was caught by Seniors on Patrol. Gloria recruited three new block captains. Steve moved and James seconded the Safety Committee report. The motion passed unanimously.

c. Investment Property Report: James reported that we do not yet have a regular schedule for meetings. We will be working on that this month. Also, Jim will be sending us an excel spread sheet of the homes known and suspected as rentals. We will begin working on identifying all rentals.

d. CC&R Committee: Steve reported we failed to mention Ed Capelle should have been appointed last month. James moved to have the board appoint Ed Capelle to the CC&R Committee & Crystal seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

e. Newsletter Committee: Jim reported the newsletters are ready and the Board needs to split up the delivery. Crystal mentioned perhaps we need better signage to identify events. Jim researched this issue a few months ago. The costs were about $400. Perhaps we buy two signs this year and two or three next year.

6. James moved to accept and Crystal seconded the motion to accept all the committee reports. The motion passed unanimously.

7. Old Business:

a. Cedar Trees in Tract A. Jim reports there is no update to report. Jim will contact the homeowners and advise them to submit and ARC and get them approved.

b. Reserve Study. Jim reported the only thing that has changed is the Association has three additional boulders. Jim proposes we increase reserve allocation by 4% to factor in inflations. The additional reserves would be about $969. Crystal moved to accept and James seconded the motion to increase the reserves. The motion passed unanimously.

c. Pizza in the Park – July 12, 2008. The event kicks off at 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Gloria has a banner made up and is speaking to the Pizza Parlor re extra pizza. Gloria has games made up. Fire department will have a truck here and the police department will be present too. Gloria needs a sponsor for the basket ball games and the running event. She needs signup sheets for the committee and she needs a camera.

8. New Business:

a. Entry into Lots. See above discussion.

b. Charity Write Off Policy. We will need to have some sort of guidelines if we are going to have any such policy. Jim and Crystal will work together on this.

c. Crystal brought information about having a website. The costs are roughly $10 per month. Jim will look into the viability of the website.

9. Public Comments:

a. Ed Capelle urged the board to be cautious about not consistently enforcing the CC&Rs as people will push the limits as far as they can.
b. Ed Capelle spoke about other unfinished back yards. Steve suggested that conversation occur during the CC&R Committee meeting.
c. Lawanda will try to recruit a block captain for the missing section, Hollow Way.
d. Ed Capelle brought up the issue about the boat on Throne. The boat was moved.
e. Ed discussed the fireworks that were set off and how some of the fireworks fell on roofs. There are some fire risks associated with the fireworks. He will recommend to his neighbors to take the fireworks to the park.
f. No other comments.

10. The next Board Meeting will be August 12, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. at Jim’s home.

11. Adjournment: Crystal moved to accept and James seconded the motion. The motion passed. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting Adjourned at 9:08 p.m.

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