The Board normally meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm at the Pearl Buck Center (3690 W 1st Ave).

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Board Meeting Agenda - 9/9/08

Meeting to begin at 7:30 PM

Location: 1128 Throne Dr.

A. Review & approve minutes from meeting of 8/12/08

B. Hearings

1. 1228 Throne Dr - Basketball Hoop

2. 4867 Stagecoach - Swimming Pool

C. Update on fines & appeals

D. NWCM Site review reports

E. Financial Report

1. Financial Statements

2. Collection Reports

3. Bank Fees

F. Committee Reports

1. ARC Committee

2. Safety & Neighborhood Watch

3. Investment Property

4. CC&R

5. Communications

G. Old Business

1. Cedar trees in tract A

2. Financial hardship policy

H. New Business

1. Other communication to residents

2. David Linn - Defend Oregon - Request to present

I. Public Comment

Next Meeting - October 14, 2008

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