The Board normally meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm at the Pearl Buck Center (3690 W 1st Ave).

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Minutes - 11 Nov 08

Royal Creek Home Owner’s Association Board Meeting for November, 11 2008.

Meeting called to order at 7:33 p.m.

Members present:

1. Steve McIntire
2. Jim Jenkins
3. Gloria Foreman
4. James Manning
5. Crystal Buel-McIntire

Owners present:

1. Aaron Melnychuk
2. Charlie & Suzi Mestrich

1. Approval of minutes:
a. October 14, 2008 minutes. Gloria moved to approve and Crystal seconded approval of the minutes. The motion passed unanimously.

2. Updates & Appeals:

a. 1078 Throne – Mestrich (Lawn). Steve shared he received a letter from Attorney Leahy authorizing direct discussions with Charlie & Suzi. In addition, Steve received a letter from Charlie and Suzi. The board discussed suspending a portion the fines over a period of time so long as the Mestrich’s maintain the lawn. Jim proposed waiving 25% if the lawn is maintained through Jan, 2009 & then 25% if maintained through March, 2009 & then 25% through June, 2009 & then forgive all but the remaining $200 at the end of September, 2009. Steve shared the Mestrichs were in control of how much fines accrued by simply getting the yard in compliance long before the ending date of September, 2008. The Mestrichs’ simply delayed. Also, the lawn was supposed to be done within 6 months after move in. The lawn has been out of compliance for about 3 years. James moved to accept Jim’s proposal with the understanding that if the Mestrichs’ fail to comply, they will pay the total amount of the fines then due. No one seconded the motion. Crystal moved to reduce the fines by 25% at this time and readdress the issues next month when we know how much time & expense has been put into this matter. Gloria seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

b. 1252 Throne – DeGuzman (Lawn). No change in status. The fines stopped as of 10/19/08. DeGuzman sent letter requesting waiver of fines due to a financial hardship. Steve moved that the fines not be waived at this time. A letter will be mailed to Mr. DeGuzman indicating we will revisit this issue upon receiving substantive information as to the hardship and a plan for how he will maintain compliance going forward.

Gloria moved and Crystal seconded a motion authorizing Jim to find out the process and how much it cost for this approach.

c. 4867 Stage Coach (Howpun) Lawn. Gloria reported & supplied a picture the pool is still present. Fine continue to accrue. Howpun sent an email that she did not place the pool. The fines continue. Jim will speak to Wes about Vial, Fotheringham’s process so we can move forward efficiently & economically.

d. 1228 Throne (Hammel). The hoop has been removed. The fines are waived because Hammel did not get proper notice.

3. Northwest Community site report. There were a number of letters re lawns, basket ball hoop, side yard, weeds, etc. Gloria moved to accept the site review and James seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

4. Committee Reports

a. Financial Report: Crystal reported we do not have financials but she did again ask for specifics as to the EWEB bill. We do not have a financial report as of yet because the new software purchased by NWCM is not working properly. Crystal again raised the issue of putting our excess funds in an account that will generate some interest. Jim will again have a discussion with Wes on this issue. James raised the issue of looking for a new management company if necessary.

b. ARC Report: Steve reported 3 ARCs for October. Steve also shared Eric Alvis did not submit a report for the patio cover. Jim shared Eric was sent a letter re this issue.

c. Safety Committee Report: Gloria reported there is a plan to open a half way house for people released from prison. Approximately 30% of the residents will consist of sex offenders. Apparently, the half way house was approved prior to the October 16, 2008 meeting. They are now just waiting for funding. Gloria shared we are getting a cross walk. Gloria also shared there have been more thefts.

d. Investment Property Report: James shared someone was arrested at the pool house about three weeks ago. Aaron shared you can get information from the City of Eugene on line.

e. CC&R Committee: No report this month.

f. Newsletter Committee: Jim reported a news letter will go out in December with some gardening tips.

5. James moved to accept and Gloria seconded the motion to accept all the committee reports. The motion passed unanimously.

6. Old Business:

a. Financial Hardship Policy. Jim has some new information to incorporate into a resolution regarding executive session to discuss specific financial penalties as to homeowners.

7. New Business.
a. Contact from Kristine Stecker. Owner lives on Throne. Someone gave her a couple of dogwood trees and she wanted to plant one tree in the park to memorialize her son. Jim gave her number for the City and offered to write a letter in support or plant it by the monument if the City will not agree.
b. Alby Tree Care would like to appear to speak about caring for trees. The board decided to decline the opportunity.
c. Jim received a notice of the annual meeting of Eugene Neighbors Incorporated. The meeting will be held at the EWEB conference center on November 29, 2008 @ noon.
d. Gloria inquired about the entertainment budget. Gloria proposed having a board Christmas dinner. Jim was concerned about the meetings laws and Steve expressed potential homeowners’ concern about use of HOA funds. James would like to see if there is something we can do that strikes a balance between owners’ concerns and the boards’ efforts. Steve suggested sending something out in the December newsletter inviting public comment and then consider crafting a policy based on the input.
e. Crystal inquired as to the status of the website. Jim has not yet had an opportunity to review the options.
f. Gloria inquired about creating an opportunity for people within the neighborhood to network for business purposes or somehow inform others of services available.
g. It was noted there is a small gym being operated out of someone’s home on Throne. Jim will remind people about the CC&Rs re home-based businesses.
h. James suggested there should be some sort of recognition for outgoing board members. Members are volunteers and unpaid for the many hours they put in each year and they should receive something for their efforts.

8. Public Comments:

a. Aaron. Shared thoughts about compensating the board for its efforts and the difficulties with homeowners understanding.

9. The next Board Meeting will be December 9, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. at Jim’s home.

10. Adjournment: Gloria moved to accept and James seconded the motion. The motion passed. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting Adjourned at 9:08 p.m.

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