The Board normally meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm at the Pearl Buck Center (3690 W 1st Ave).

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Minutes - March 10, 2009

These Minutes were approved at the Board meeting on April 14, 2009.

Meeting called to order at 6:45 p.m. NOTE: The meeting was relocated to 1170 Throne Drive because the initial site was unavailable.

Members Present:
Janet Snyder
Jim Jenkins
Lawanda Manning
James Manning

Members Absent
Richard Hill (excused)

Others Present:
· Lapquoc Le resident
· Bob Mulkey representing NWMC

1. Approval of minutes:
a. February 10, 2008 minutes. A motion was made to accept the February minutes, seconded and passed unanimously.
b. March 3, 2009 Annual Meeting. One amendment made to read; Janet Snyder was elected to a one year term. With no other amendments a motion to accept the minutes was moved, seconded and passed unanimously.

2. Hearings:
a. Trash can violation. Resident failed to appear for the hearing. A decision to impose fines for trash can violations was motioned and seconded and passed unanimously.
b. Not scheduled. Resident representing self regarding a neighbor’s compliant of loud music against them was heard, Board informed the resident it will look into the issue and get back with them.
c. Resident request forgiveness for a $10 mailing fee. After discussion a motion to deny the appeal was moved, seconded and passed unanimously.
d. End of Hearings

3. Election of Officer:
· President: Jim nominated, seconded and passed unanimously. Jim accepted the nomination with conditions agreed upon by the Board.
· Secretary: Lawanda nominated, seconded and passed unanimously. Lawanda accepted the nomination.
· Treasurer: Janet nominated, seconded and unanimously passed. Janet accepted the nomination.
· Election of Officers closed.

4. Committee Assignments
a. ARC: Richard and James nominated as Board representative with James as the Chairperson. Steve McIntire as committee member. Motioned to accept, seconded and unanimously passed.
b. CC&R: James and Richard nominated as Board representatives with James as the Chairperson. Colleen Mareki as committee member. Motioned to accept, seconded and unanimously passed
c. Safety and Neighborhood Watch: Motion that Janet and Lawanda serve as Board member with Gloria Foreman as the Chairperson. Motion to accept, seconded and unanimously passed.
d. Investment Property: Discussion to conjoin the investment property under the CC&R committee. A motion to approve was seconded and unanimously passed.
e. Communication: The Board decided unanimously to all participates with community communications with Dulcie Hill as a committee member. A motion was made to accept, seconded and unanimously passed.

5. Hearings – Updates and Appeals Informational items only; no action.
Reminder notices regarding Christmas decorations.
Noise complaint – compliance letter sent
Compliant of home base business

6. NWCM Report – Site Review: A motion to accept the site review made, seconded
and unanimously passed.

7. Financial Report: A motion to accept the financial report was moved, seconded
and unanimously passed.
· Financial Statement for January 2009
· Financial Statement for February

8. Committee Reports: None

9. Old Business
· Financial Hardship Policy. Resolution for review and adoption (deferred from December). Tabled until April’s meeting.
· New Signs

10. New Business
Christmas decorations need for resolution: It was motioned to refer this issue to the CC&R for consideration and review. The motion made, seconded and unanimously passed.
Trees on Royal update. This was Information sharing only.
Estimate to move sprinklers: This was information sharing only.

11. Public Comment: Open dialogue from NWMC regarding landscaping concerns with the
Community common area on Royal Ave.

12. Next Board Meeting: April 14, 2009 @6:30 p.m. at Pearl Buck Center.

13. Adjournment: A motion made, seconded passed unanimously. Meeting Adjourned at 8:25

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