The Board normally meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm at the Pearl Buck Center (3690 W 1st Ave).

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Board Meeting Minutes - April 14, 2009

These minutes were approved during the Board meeting on May 12, 2009.

Members Present: James Manning, Lawanda Manning, Janet Snyder, Dick Hill, Jim Jenkins

Agenda item 1. Meeting called to order April 14, 2009 at 6:30 p.m.; all Board Members present.

Homeowners Present or represented:
· Jeremy Stecker
· Daniel Patterson

Agenda item 2. Approval of minutes: A motion was made to accept the March minutes, was seconded and passed unanimously.

Agenda item 3. Hearings: None

Agenda item 4. Compliance Issues/Updates/Appeals

Agenda item A. Mr. Stecker addressed the board regarding use of his residence as an exercise facility. He informed the board that he will move his operations to another location within the next few weeks. James motioned to table this as a follow up next board meeting. Richard seconded and the motion passed unanimously. James moved Richard seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

Agenda items B (vehicles leaking oil) and C (vehicles in disrepair) are referred to the CC&R sub-committee for examination and definition under CC&R 4.11. The sub committee will convene May 4th with a report to the board at the next meeting. In the mean time James motioned to send a compliance letter to owners on Peascod and Hyde informing them that they are in violation of 4.9 nuisance clause 4.11. The oil leaks need to be resolved. Janet seconded and the motions passed unanimously.

Agenda item D. Quarterly review of yard compliance with residence of 1078 Throne Dr. The Board determined that the residence did not hold up to the terms of their agreement and therefore forfeited the fine reduction. A letter will be mailed informing the residence of Board’s decision.

Agenda item E. Noise complaints. No issue.

Non Agenda items. Resident Daniel Patterson addressed the Board regarding parking when residence occupies more than one parking space (violation 4.10). Richard recommended that Mr. Patterson and other neighbors affected should send something in writing to the board. James motion to accept the recommendation Janet second and the motions were unanimously passed.

James tabled discussion concerning plastic bags lining the fence and plastic lawn chairs left in the dag park on the corner of Royal and Throne Dr. The Board would NWCM to compose a letter to the Eugene Parks and Recreation Department regarding the condition of the Dog Park in Candle Light Park. Specifically, the Association is concerned with the plastic bags hanging on the fence and would like the City to install a container to hold them. Additionally, the Association is concerned with the proliferation of plastic lawn furniture in the park. We are requesting that the City install permanent park benches within the dog park. The motion was seconded and unanimously passed.

Agenda item 5. NWCM Reports. The Board reviewed the March 25th and April 8th NCWCM
Site reviews and unanimously accepted/approved them.

Agenda item 6. Financial Report

Janet provided a financial report update with a motion to table concerns defer the
Financial reports as of March 31 2009 until the May meeting. The motion was
seconded and unanimously passed.

Agenda item 7. Committee Reports

a. ARC: First meeting scheduled May 7th...
b. CC&R and Investment Properties: First meeting scheduled May 6th.
c. Safety and Neighborhood Watch: Meeting called 20th April
d. Investment Property: Combined with CC&R
e. Communication: The newsletter will be ready for distribution soon.

Agenda item 8. Old Business

Agenda item A. Financial Hardship Policy. The Board approved a Financial
Hardship Resolution. The Board will include the resolution in the June newsletter and
have NWCM mail copies of the newsletter to all owners who have mailing addresses
outside of Royal Creek. The resolution will not go into affect until 60 days after
publishing. The motion was unanimously passed

Agenda item B. New Signs. James reports to have some information regarding new signs by the end of the week.

Agenda item C. Christmas Decorations. NWCM have provided copies of resolutions from other homeowner associations. This item deferred to the CC&R committee.

Agenda item 9. New Business: None

Agenda item 10. Public Comment: None

Meeting adjourn.

Next Board Meeting: May 12, 2009 beginning at 6:30 p.m. @ Pearl Buck Center.

1 comment:

Ron Frerichs said...

Can the Board please post minutes from the May and June meetings? Also, please post the resolution regarding Holiday decorations.