The Board normally meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm at the Pearl Buck Center (3690 W 1st Ave).

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Approved Minutes - February 12, 2008

Royal Creek Home Owner’s Association Board Meeting for February 12, 2008.

Meeting called to order at 7:31 p.m.

Members present:

1. Steve McIntire
2. Jim Jenkins
3. Eric Stillwell
4. Joel Kirkpatrick

Owners present:

1. Crystal Buel-McIntire
2. Ed Capelle
3. Rosie Mowell
4. Dave Mowell
5. Hana Harding

1. Approval of minutes:
a. January 8, 2008 minutes. Eric moved to approve and Jim seconded approval of the minutes. The motion passed unanimously.

2. Hearings:
a. No Hearings.

3. Northwest Community Board Report. Joel moved and Eric seconded that we accept NWCM’s report. The motion passed unanimously.

4. Financial Report: Joel shared the association was positive for January. Joel reported there is some residual for the landscape contract. Aged delinquencies. $1,832.00 in fees due. Three are in lien status and one has been referred to an attorney for further collections. The two payments to TrueGreen were for two months of unpaid services. The budget comparison looks pretty good, especially in the area of postage and ARC expenses. Joel reported he inquired why there was a deficiency in dues collected and assessments of $2,000 when there were only three homeowners that had not yet paid. Steve asked if NWCM can verify whether the shortage involves prorated dues so we can ask DR Horton to pay the difference if they owe the difference. Joel moved and Eric seconded paying TruGreen the $167.00 outstanding invoice. Joel Moved and Gloria seconded the motion to pay the Fotheringham bill. The motion passed unanimously. Gloria Moved and Eric seconded. Approved Unanimously.

5. ARC Report: Steve reported no ARCs this month.

6. Safety Committee Report: No updates.

7. Neighborhood Watch Committee Report: Gloria shared her request to have a joint neighborhood watch meeting in March.

a. Eric moved to accept and Joel seconded the motion to accept all three committee reports. The motion passed unanimously.

8. Old Business:

a. Management Agreement.
i. NWCM indicated they would sign the confidentiality agreement once they receive the management agreement. Steve shared Roger indicated NWCM would sign the confidentiality agreement once the agreement is received. Steve moved to approve signing the agreement based on Roger’s representation. Joel seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
ii. Jim shared there are other community management associations that we can request and RFP if necessary.

b. Commercial Vehicles. CC&Rs indicate there is no parking of commercial vehicles. Much discussion as to what equals a commercial vehicle. There is a general consensus that it may not necessarily need signage to equate a commercial vehicle. Jim volunteered Joel to work on a definition for what constitutes a commercial vehicle. Joel accepted.

c. The board discussed concern re 1117 Ludgate leaking oil and constituting a nuisance. Jim will ask NWCM to send a letter to the owner re nuisance and/or disrepair. Also, the Geo that has not moved in more than a month with a flat tire. Finally, the U Haul truck with a commercial logo.

d. Board Communication re increase in assessments. Steve moved and Eric seconded approval. Jim shared he will ask the NWCM to get the news letter out with all resolutions immediately. The motion passed unanimously.

e. Community reaction to the assessments. Have heard from some members re the increase.

f. Annual meeting will be at 6:30 p.m., March 18, 2008 Danabo Elementary on Candlelight. The Board is expected to be present at 6:00 p.m.

9. New Business:

a. Maintenance Plan. Took the reserve study and incorporated it into the maintenance plan. Joel moved and Eric seconded to accept the plan with amendments. The motion passed unanimously.

b. Monument area could use a little work. We do have in the budget enough for seasonal color. Eric recommends we do not do color before the last frost. Ed Capelle suggested some sort of Box Woods. Steve moved to amend the motion to speak to Rexius re more long-term seasonal colors like Box Wood, etc. Gloria seconded the amended motion. Gloria will meet with Rexius. The motion passed unanimously.

c. Jim shared the City planted the chestnut tree and should maintain it.

d. Steve asked Eric if he could speak to the City re painting the curbs just prior to Throne.

e. Steve shared app for DMV to request information. Eric moved to move forward with DMV application to obtain owner information. Joel seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

10. The next Board Meeting will be February 12, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. at Jim’s home.

11. Public Comments:

a. Crystal Buel-McIntire shared concerned with safety as to vehicles parking in front of the dog park.
b. Crystal Buel-McIntire also shared her concern re rentals and the risk of people not properly caring for his or her home.
c. Ed Capelle spoke about mechanism to send letters and enforce CC&Rs. The board shared the resolution re rental limitations will be going out to all homeowners very soon.
d. Ed Capelle raised the issue of establishing that a non-vote equals a vote in favor re reducing the rental cap. The Board shared the CC&Rs require 75% to change the CC&Rs. 75% affirmative vote.
e. Dave Mowell expressed concerns re the number of rentals. Hana Harding has a title company reports re absentee owners.
f. Ed Capelle shared concerns about problems associated with rentals and his desire to reduce the rentals to 10%.
g. Ed Capelle suggested we develop a policy for addressing violations of CC&Rs.
h. Rosie shared her concerns about the entire neighborhood re rentals.
i. Ed Capelle volunteered to contribute funds to keep the Association in business.

13. Adjournment: Joel moved to accept and Steve seconded the motion. The motion passed. Eric was not present for the vote. The meeting Adjourned at 9:05 p.m.

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