The Board normally meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm at the Pearl Buck Center (3690 W 1st Ave).

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Agenda - June 18, 2008

Meeting to be Called to Order (7:30 PM)

1. Review and Approval of the minutes of meeting on May 13, 2008

2. Resignation of Board Member and Elect Replacement

3. Hearings - None

4. NWCM Reports (Review and Accept)

a. Site review 5/21/08

b. Site review 6/11/08

5. Financial Reports

a. April 2008

b. May 2008

c. Delinquent Accounts (2 with attorney, 8 in lien status, 3 pre-lien status

6. Committee Reports

a. Architectural Control Committee

b. Safety & Neighborhood Watch

c. Investment Property Committee

d. CC&R Committee

e. Communications Committee

7. Old Business

a. Landscaping around monument - update

b. Athletic/Recreational Equipment Resolution

c. Cedar trees in tract A - update

8. New Business

a. Reserve Study Proposal

b. Pizza in the Park - July 12, 2008

9. Public Comment

10. Adjourn

Next meeting: July 8, 2008

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