The Board normally meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm at the Pearl Buck Center (3690 W 1st Ave).

Friday, July 17, 2009

Board Meeting Minutes - June 9, 2009

Minutes approved on July 14, 2009

Board Members:
Jim Jenkins, President
Lawanda Manning, Secretary
Janet Snyder, Treasurer
Dick Hill, Member
James Manning, Member

Description: Meeting called to order June 9, 2009 at 6:30p.m.; all Board Members present.

Approval of minutes: A motion was made to accept the April minutes, was seconded and passed unanimously.

Hearings: None

Compliance Issues/Updates/Appeals:
Agenda item A. Loud music complaint. After review and discussion the board determined the complaint was without merit. Northwest Management was asked to send a letter to the complainant informing them of the Board’s decision.

Agenda item B. Trailer on Highbury lane. Northwest Management was asked to send a follow-up letter.

Agenda item C. Abandoned vehicle - Avalon reported to the Eugene Police Department

6. NWCM Reports. A motion was made to accept the Site Reviews. The motion was to accept the compliance issues/updates/appeals and NWCM Site Reviews. The motion was seconded and unanimously passed.

Financial Report: The June report was deferred until July meeting.

Sub-Committee Reports:

a. ARC: 3 requests approved.

b. CC&R and Investment Properties: No report

c. Neighborhood Watch/Safety: Lawn of the Month winners for June is The Jackson family Phase I and The Noyes family Phase II

d. Communication: The newsletter will be distributed. The motion seconded and unanimously passed.

A motion was made to accept the committee reports; the motion was seconded and unanimously passed.

Old Business:
Holiday Decorations. Janet submitted a revised resolution which was accepted by the Board and that language was approved for inclusion of the CC&R. A motion was made to accept resolution with one word correction. The motion was seconded and unanimously passed. Thank you Janet for your hard work!

New Signs: No report

New Business:
A. Nation Night Out - Sponsorship of the program and support Neighborhood Watch – board will support. The motion was unanimously passed.

B. Condition of Candlelight Park. Weather permitting next few months board meeting will be held at Candlelight Park. The motion was unanimously passed.

C. Late fees – complaints from homeowner regarding the $50 late fee on assessment

D. The Owner requests an extension regarding house painting assessment. The owner stated they had problems with the painter not showing up. After discussion a motion was made to approve the extension request. The motion was seconded and unanimously passed.

E. July Board of Directors’ meeting in Candlelight Park. Next month hold meeting at candlelight park-weather permitting. The motion was made to accept this action. The motion was seconded then unanimously passed.

Public Comment: None

A motion was made to adjourn the meeting, seconded the unanimously passed.

Next Board Meeting: July 14, 2009 beginning at 6:30 @ will be held in Candlelight Park

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