The Board normally meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm at the Pearl Buck Center (3690 W 1st Ave).

Friday, July 17, 2009

Board Meeting Minutes - May 12, 2009

Minutes approved on June 9, 2009.
Board of Directors
Jim Jenkins, President
Lawanda Manning, Secretary
Janet Snyder, Treasurer
Richard Hill, Member
James Manning, Member

Agenda item 1. Meeting called to order May 12, 2009 at 6:35p.m.; all Board Members present except Richard Hill – excused absent.

Agenda item 2. Approval of minutes: A motion was made to accept the March minutes, was seconded and passed unanimously.

Agenda item 3. Hearings: None

Agenda item 4. Compliance Issues/Updates/Appeals

Agenda item 4A. 963 Throne Dr appears to have complied with voluntary agreement to remove gym equipment and gym classes

Agenda item 6. NWCM Reports. Board discussion about applying charges to cover postage and processing fees for those repeat offenders (i.e. lawns, garbage cans). Jim will run this by NW. Site reviews and unanimously accepted/approved.

Agenda item 7. Financial Report. Janet provided the financial report for March & April.
A motion to accept the report was seconded and unanimously passed.

Agenda item 8. Committee Reports

a. ARC: Subcommittee met on May 5, 2009: The ARC Subcommittee met on May 5, 2009: Janet Snyder, Aaron Melnychuk, and James Manning in attendance. The subcommittee discussed how we were going to review and vote on ARC request, via e-mail. The committee elected to meet quarterly unless there are immediate needs to meet more often. So far to date the subcommittee has approved 2 ARC requests

b. CC&R and Investment Properties: First meeting scheduled May 6th. The CC&R Subcommittee met on May 4, 2009; Richard Hill and James Manning in attendance. We reviewed the CC&R and the Eugene City Codes for a definition to describe a derelict automobile. Nothing was found. Richard will continue to pursue this issue with the intent of having a definition to post on the upcoming monthly/quarterly newsletter.

c. Safety and Neighborhood Watch: Meeting called 20th April
Discussed yard of the month recipients: Phase I Johnson Family; Phase II Foreman Family, and committee passed out 86 honorable mention.

d. Communication: The newsletter distributed. The motion seconded and
unanimously passed.

Agenda item 9. Old Business

Agenda item A. Holiday Decorations. Still looking into the language, will be referred to the CC&R committee. The motion was unanimously passed.

Agenda item B. New Signs. James will continue to look into and has the approval to procure signs with a $400.00 limit.

Agenda item 10. New Business

Agenda item 10A. Nation Night Out sponsorship of the program and support. After some discussion it was referred to the Neighborhood Watch/Safety committee will take on this project with a 300.00 budget. Motion was unanimously passed

Agenda item 10B. Cyprus trees on Royal Avenue. After discussion it was motion that the association pay one-third (1/3) of the trees replacement cost. The motion was unanimously passed.

Agenda item 10C. Motion to donate $50.00 to the Pearl Buck Center for use of their conference room. The motion was unanimously passed.

Agenda item 11. Public Comment: None

Meeting adjourned.

Next Board Meeting: June 9, 2009 beginning at 6:30p.m. @ Pearl Buck Center.

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