The Board normally meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm at the Pearl Buck Center (3690 W 1st Ave).

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Board Minutes - July 14, 2009

Minutes were approved at the Board Meeting on August 11, 2009

Members Present: Dick Hill, Jim Jenkins, James Manning, Lawanda Manning, and Janet Snyder

Description: Meeting called to order July 14, 2009 at 6:30p.m.location Candle Light Park all Board Members present.

Residents in attendance: Gloria Foreman, Karen Jenkins, Crystal Buel-McIntire, Charles Mestrich, Elizabeth Grand-McChord, Richard McChord; Donna Briggs

Approval of minutes: A motion was made to accept the June minutes with the amendment to include Richard Hill board member present. The motion was seconded and unanimously passed.

Hearings: None

Compliance Issues/Updates/Appeals:
Agenda item A. Trailer on Highbury Lane has been removed. The motion was seconded and unanimously passed.

NWCM Reports. A motion was made to accept the Site Reviews for June 10, and June 24. The motion was to accept NWCM Site Reviews. The motion was seconded and unanimously passed.

Financial Report: The motion was made to accept both May and June financial report. The motion was seconded and unanimously passed.

Sub-Committee Reports:

a. ARC: 3 requests approved.

b. CC&R and Investment Properties: Propose Janet and Dick chair the subcommittee of the CC&R all other board members will be available as a resource.

c. Neighborhood Watch/Safety: Attended Bethel town hall meeting on June 17, 2009. Several issues were discussed: starting of farmers market, presenting from gentleman about the Lion’s Club, Willoughby hearing aids, desire for another EMX bus station in the Bethel area, new apartments behind Albertson’s , council meeting, bike path problems-difficulty of getting to the bike path from the north end of Bethel.

d. Communication: Jim will send newsletter to print shop.

A motion was made to accept the sub-committee reports; the motion was seconded and unanimously passed.

Old Business:
Holiday Decorations. Halloween – language should read any public recognize event (not a holiday) was accepted by the Board and that language was approved for inclusion of the CC&R further review of the CC&R subcommittee based on community feedback further review of the resolution is pending. A motion was made to accept resolution with correction. The motion was seconded and unanimously passed.

Nation Night Out – Sponsorship of the program and support Neighborhood Watch
Need sponsors. We are busy planning our fun in the park celebration for Royal Creek on Aug. 4th from 5 until 7 P.M. and we could use your help in getting some prizes for a drawing donated to the team. If you know a neighbor or if you would like to get some recognition for your business, please let me know because we could use some nice raffle prizes for a drawing.
New Signs: Approval for signs for eight (8) board announcement signs n the amount of $240.00 was approved unanimously by the board. James will take care of this transaction. The motion was made to accept this action. The motion was seconded then unanimously passed.

New Business:
A. Reserve Study Proposal. The issue was tabled until August meeting. The motion was made to accept this action. The motion was seconded then unanimously passed.

Public Comment:
There is still a lot of confusion regarding the relationship between D.R. Horton, NWCM, and the HOA.
- Jim will write an article trying to clarify the relationships and roles for the August newsletter.
A concern and request for action to correct landscaping issues for the vacant home on Holloway.
- The Board acknowledged the owner has been contacted to resolve the landscaping and security issues at that address.

A motion was made to adjourn the meeting, seconded the unanimously passed.

Next Board Meeting: August 11, 2009 beginning at 6:30 @ Pearl Buck Center

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