The Board normally meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm at the Pearl Buck Center (3690 W 1st Ave).

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Meeting Minutes - September 8, 2009

Approved during Board meeting on October 13, 2009.

Description: Meeting called to order September 8, 2009 at 6:30 p.m. @ Pearl Buck Center,3690 W 1st Street. All Board Members present.

Residents in attendance: Richard and April Eberle

Approval of minutes: A motion was made to accept the minutes of August 11, 2009. The motion was seconded and unanimously passed.

a) 4867 Stagecoach Rd - Acknowledged the response from Mr. Xayaveth on behalf of Ms Howpun. The Board voted to take no action this month with regard to fines provided Mr. Xayaveth 1) maintains the lawn and 2) reseeds the areas of the lawn where the grass has died.

b) 1122 Peascod Dr - No one appeared to represent Elsa Hernandez. The Board determined that there has been no improvement in the state of the lawn and it imposed a $15/day fine beginning on 9 Sep 09.

Compliance Issues/Updates/Appeals:

a) ARC request was received from owner of 1037 Hollow Way to temporary gravel an extension to their drive way per their assurances during the last meeting. The ARC subcommittee is reviewing the request. The request was submitted after the board packs were received.

NWCM Reports. A motion was made to accept the Site Reviews for August 12 & 26. The motion was seconded and unanimously passed.

Financial Report: The Treasurer provided an overview of the financial report. The motion was made to accept August financial report. The motion was seconded and unanimously passed.

Sub-Committee Reports:

a. ARC: 1 request received: first request denied; amended then approved.

b. CC&R and Investment Properties: No report

b. Neighborhood Watch/Safety: Yard of the month will run from March and run through September.

c. Communication: Monthly news letter delivered. Jim will submit an article on lawn maintenance tips next edition.

A motion was made to accept the sub-committee reports; the motion was seconded and unanimously passed.

Old Business: 1040 Leopold – Fence in the back yard. Next step
Jim will get with NWCM to prepare a letter for delivery to the City of Eugene in support of the residents living on the 1000 block of Leopold whose property line is affected by the city’s easement boundaries. The motion was made in support of this action, seconded and unanimously passed.

Committee Assignment: One of the association’s new signs was taken. An eye witness identified the person responsible for that theft. Jim will go to the home of the resident seen taking the sign in hopes of retrieving it.

New Business: The Board will work on the CY 2010 Budget next meeting for approval at the November meeting. No anticipated major changes

Public Comment: The Board held open comments from residence in attendance. Richard Eberle passed out document discussion items were captured for board follow up. To be tabled at the October Board meeting.

A motion was made to adjourn the meeting, seconded then unanimously passed.

Next Board Meeting: October 13, 2009 beginning at 6:30 @ Pearl Buck Center

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