The Board normally meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm at the Pearl Buck Center (3690 W 1st Ave).

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Board Minutes - October 13, 2009

Description: Meeting called to order October 13, 2009 at 6:30 p.m. @ Pearl Buck Center, 3690 W 1st Street.

Board Member excused absent Lawanda Manning. Acting Board Secretary James Manning

Bob Mulkey representing NWCM

Residents in attendance: Charles Mestrich, Phil and Renee Pickering, Steve McIntire

Approval of minutes: A motion was made to accept the minutes of September 8, 2009. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.


a) 1057 Throne Dr – Appeal of ARC Committee Decision regarding roof of a garden shed (Section 6.8) – owner of adjacent property contends the roof is “non-conforming” (Sections 6.1, 6.4). Complainant and homeowner Mrs. Gail Jones not present. Complainant sent an e-mail to the board president advising him so. The homeowner in which the complaint was lodged against Phil Pickering was present and commented on his own behalf and presented photos of his structure which was viewed by the board. James commented as to how the committee came to its decision. Richard motioned to deny the appeal. James seconded the motion and unanimously approved.

b) 963 Throne – Steckler Canceled – the lawn maintenance issue has been resolved.

Compliance Issues/Updates/Appeals:

a) 4867 Stagecoach – is owner doing an acceptable job of maintaining the yard? A motion to postponed phone the decision for one month was motion by Richard, seconded by Janet and unanimously approved.

b) 1078 Throne – Mestrich (Close out of agreement) – Remaining fine is $307.50. Send letter thanking them for cooperation and maintaining their lawn. Fine reduced to $307.50 and due now. Homeowner is present. Discussion and clarification on the amount or balance due. The homeowner was awarded a 75% reduction of the overall fine. The homeowner request approval for $25 per month later $60 per month payment until balance due is paid. The homeowner agreed to make payments of $61.50 per month for five months beginning November 10th. Richard motioned to accept the payment option and Janet seconded. The motion was amended to include failure to make a payment will mean the full amount payable at that time. The motion with amendment was unanimously approved. At the homeowner’s request an initial letter stating the amount and payment due will be sent to the homeowner.

NWCM Reports. NWCM Reports – Site Reviews & Compliance Log. Bob discussed community responses to compliance letters he received from homeowners and his responses to those who contacted him with the board. The board feels Bob handling is professional and in the best interest of the community. Janet motion was made to accept the Site Reviews for September 09 & 23. James seconded and the motion was unanimously passed.

Financial Report: Financial Statements September 2009. The Treasurer provided an overview of the financial report. The motion was made to accept August financial report. The motion was seconded and unanimously passed.

Sub-Committee Reports:

a. President: Jim discussed an article posted on the AARP web site. Jim talked about a commercial truck that is parked in the community in violation of the CC&Rs.

b. ARC: 6 requests approved one with conditions.

c. CC&R and Investment Properties: Janet reported sending out 3 e-mails to gain more members. Richard has contacted two residents who may be interested in participating on the committee. Richard will hold a meeting at his home with new members prior to the next board meeting.

d. Investment Property: Jim and James to review status of rental properties in the community.

e. Neighborhood Watch/Safety: No report

f. Communication: Jim will put out the November newsletter. This will include the City of Eugene set back requirements, and rerun the ARC requirement for new home improvement projects.

A motion was made to accept the sub-committee reports; the motion was seconded and unanimously passed.

Old Business: 1040 Leopold – Fence in the back yard. Next step
Jim will get with NWM to prepare a letter for delivery to the City of Eugene in support of the residents living on the 1000 block of Leopold whose property line is affected by the city’s easement boundaries. The board has not drafted a letter but still plans to do so are send an e-mail. The motion was made in support of this action, seconded and unanimously passed.

The Board will work on the CY 2010 Budget next meeting for approval at the November meeting. Discussion on reduction of contingency expenses to be considered at the next board meeting.

Committee Assignment: Janet & Dick. One of the association’s new signs was taken. An eye witness identified the person responsible for that theft. Jim went to the home and resident denied taking the sign.

New Business:

a) NWCM – web portal

b) Removal of Graffiti – approve bid from AAA Painting & Power Washing ($125) and transfer funds Maintenance Reserves to 6621 – Site Maintenance. Janet motion to approve payment. Richard seconded and the motion unanimously approved.

c) Letter from the Eberles. The Board recommend acknowledgement of the Eberles’s and to send a nice letter the correspondent. Richard motioned to send a nice letter, Janet seconded. The motion was unanimously approved.

d) HOA Law Forum – Wilsonville – 10/24/09 – 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Sign-in begins at 8:30 AM – Cost $30/person. Jim, James and Lawanda will attend.

Public Comment:
a) Request for RFP on management contract Steve McIntire presented comments in support of his proposal. Steve will forward more information to the board. This will be added to next week board agenda for consideration.
b) Email from Fred McCord. NWCM replied to owners issues, no further follow up.
c) Email from Julie Wirtz Homeowner’s issues were discussed. NWCM to draft a letter to the City of Eugene raising the homeowner’s shared concern.
b) The Board held open comments from residence in attendance. Richard Eberle passed out document discussion items were captured for board follow up. To be tabled at the November Board meeting.

A motion was made to adjourn the meeting, seconded then unanimously passed.

Next Board Meeting: November 10, 2009 beginning at 6:30 @ Pearl Buck Center

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